Hug Bear’s 13th Birthday
Hug Bear’s 13th Birthday!
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!!
13 years ago on July 4th, ileava jewelry was launched and so was its signature ring, Hug Bear.
Because we couldn’t do anything for our 10th anniversary, we decided to host a “2 years belated 10th anniversary party” on our 13th!
Hug Bear was inspired from a teddy bear our in-house designer’s (Maya Nishimura) younger sister had when she was little. As her sister grew older, the teddy bear was left behind. Maya decided to make a teddy bear ring her sister can wear wherever she went. That was the beginning of our brand, ileava jewelry.

The first Hug Bear had eyes!

In the middle is the very first Hug Bear
The very left is a Hug Bear you can try on at the store.